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LIDW: The evolving impact of sanctions on commercial contracts

Date: Thursday 18th May
Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Withers LLP, 20 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7AN

The unprecendented wave of sanctions and countersanctions imposed since February 2022 has raised numerous legal challenges for businesses. Commercial contracts (including finance, supply and JV arrangements) have been significantly impacted and ongoing litigations and arbitrations have faced similar disruption.

As part of London International Disputes Week (‘LIDW’), this session will identify and analyse these problems and discuss ideas for overcoming them. Participating firms include Littleton Chambers, Withers, LK Law and Lewis Baach Kaufman Middlemiss.

If you are in or around London, join us in person at 20 Old Bailey, with the chance to network at our jointly-hosted reception after the discussion. However, for those who cannot join us in person, there will be a link which will allow you to tune in virtually. If you would like to attend in-person, please register here.

Please email Olivia de Satgé at if you would like to attend virtually.

In addition to signing up for this event, please register for LIDW23 which includes virtual sessions delivered by leading experts in their fields based around the theme of how the disputes community is, and should be, adapting to a changing world and many vital opportunities to network with colleagues from around the world. To read more about LIDW23 and what the full agenda will entail, please visit their website. Please note that your registration for this Member-hosted event does not provide access to the LIDW23 conference and related benefits; and, your registration for this event is not conditional on registering for LIDW23, although we strongly encourage such registrations. *K Law is hosting this event in partnership with LIDW. Your contact details will be shared with LIDW, Littleton Chambers, Withers Worldwide and Lewis Bach Kaufman Middlemiss. If you prefer that your information is not stored within our contacts database or held by the above firms for ongoing marketing purposes, please inform us.

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