David Reade KC and Georgina Leadbetter appear in the Supreme Court today in Royal Mail Group Ltd v Efobi, which will become the leading authority on the operation of the burden of proof in discrimination claims. In this appeal, the court will consider which party in a claim under the Equality Act 2010 bears the burden of showing that discrimination has, or has not, occurred. David and Georgina appear for Royal Mail Ltd alongside David Flood of St John’s Buildings, instructed by Steve Peacock at Weightmans.
Sam Neaman also appears in the Supreme Court today led by Stuart Ritchie KC and Martin Evans KC in the directors’ fiduciary duty case of CPS v Aquila Advisory Ltd, in which the CPS seeks to persuade the Supreme Court to re-appraise the fundamental principles of attribution and illegality in the context of the ownership of proceeds of crime. A case which has significant public policy ramifications.