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Andrew Clarke KC

Andrew Clarke KC

Silk: 1997 | Call: 1980

International Arbitrator

Andrew Clarke KC


Andrew Clarke is one of the foremost employment lawyers at the Bar. He has a reputation for giving clear and practical advice and as a formidable advocate and a highly skilled cross examiner.   Chambers & Partners 2013 describe how Andrew has “tremendous gravitas and authority”, “extremely bright…comes up with clever solutions to tricky issues” and is, according to those that instruct him, “hard as nails.”

Called to the Bar in 1980 he has appeared in many landmark employment cases, especially in the fields of restrictive covenants, garden leave, discrimination, equal pay, industrial action and wrongful dismissal.  He is well known for dealing with complex commercial cases which have an employment flavour.

Directories comment on his “formidable intellect”, his “hands on approach”, his value as an excellent tactical adviser” and described him as a “highly articulate” advocate providing a “Rolls Royce service”. Particularly valued is his “ability to convey complex legal issues” both to courts and lay clients, and that he “commands respect regardless of whether he is talking about the weather or the law”.  One client quoted in a recent directory referred to him as “always innovative, but a safe pair of hands”.

Andrew has developed an unrivalled understanding of the workings of many businesses from investment banks and broking houses, airlines and train operators to the Royal Mail, NHS Trusts, Local Authorities and football clubs.

He is a team player, keen to harness the skills of those he works with.  He cares about his clients.  Has a deserved reputation for guiding them to develop a clear and workable strategy and for fighting tenaciously to carry it through to a successful conclusion.

Restrictive Covenants & Garden Leave

Discrimination, Equal Pay, Part Time & Agency Workers

Employment – strike injunctions, wrongful dismissal, bonuses etc

Company & Commercial

Sport Law, Internal Enquiries & ADR

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