Members of Littleton are self-employed, independent practitioners, sharing premises and administration, operating together in a collegiate environment.
Littleton and its members are regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and all our barristers are listed on the BSBs Barristers’ Register page.
We receive instruction from a wide variety of clients, including UK and International law firms, in-house legal departments, overseas lawyers and some Members of Chambers accept work directly under the Licensed and Public Access Rules.
The clerking team work in conjunction with the barristers to provide fees estimates and budgets for each instruction. Each member of Chambers has an hourly rate which takes account of the level of expertise of a specific barrister, their skills, the complexity of the matter, and the prevailing market rates. Ordinarily, charges for written work and advices are based on hourly rates. However, our clerking team are sometimes willing to consider alternative fee structures, including fixed or capped fees where it may be appropriate to do so.
Fees for hearings will usually consist of a brief fee which is a fixed amount to cover all the pre-hearing preparation and the first day of the hearing. Refreshers will be charged for any subsequent days of the hearing and will be on an agreed fixed fee basis. In certain appropriate cases some barristers are able to consider certain types of additional fees or damages-based agreements.
VAT will be added where applicable. Expenses incurred by barristers will only be added where agreed at the outset.