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International & Offshore

Much of the work undertaken by Littleton barristers has an international dimension. This expertise, which applies to all of Littleton’s practice areas, covers advice and representation in relation to English cases but also extends to non-UK cases in courts and arbitrations worldwide.

In such overseas cases, our barristers: advise, appear as advocates or assist in cases where court advocacy rights are restricted to local lawyers, appear as arbitrators or as expert witnesses of law in foreign proceedings.

We have extensive experience in all aspects of:

  • Anti-suit injunctions
  • Appeals (Privy Council and foreign appellate courts)
  • Arbitration and mediation
  • Asset tracing and recovery including world-wide freezing orders/injunctions
  • Breaches of duty by directors, officers and trustees
  • Commercial and contractual disputes including civil fraud
  • Conflicts of law
  • Diplomatic and state immunity
  • Employment disputes
  • Enforcement of foreign judgements
  • Insolvency
  • Shareholder and joint venture disputes
  • Sports
  • Territoriality of domestic legislation

We act for clients in many countries and jurisdictions around the world. Littleton has a dedicated CIS Group and a dedicated team of arbitrators. In addition, our barristers have advised or undertaken cases for clients on every continent.

We have extensive experience in the following jurisdictions:

  • BVI
  • Cayman
  • Channel Islands
  • European Court of Justice
  • European Court of Human Rights
  • DIFC
  • Hong Kong & Singapore
  • Isle of Man
  • Northern Ireland
  • Russia & FSU
  • Scotland
  • Switzerland

A number of Littleton barristers are full members of the local Bars in a number of non-UK jurisdictions including Northern Ireland, New York, the Dubai International Financial Centre and in the Caribbean.

Our barristers can gain ad hoc admission to the Bars of other jurisdictions if required for a particular case.

Littleton has been involved in arbitrations or court hearings as far and wide as the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Human rights, the DIFC, the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal, the British Virgin Islands Commercial Court, the Grand Court of
the Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man, Northern Ireland and Mauritius. Our barristers are available to travel, including at short notice, for the purpose of both giving advice and to attend court hearings.

Littleton is familiar with taking instructions from and working in co-operation with foreign lawyers and experts, working as part of substantial teams both domestically and abroad and with the tactics required to take complex multi-jurisdictional matters to a successful conclusion.

Littleton regularly hosts foreign delegations of lawyers and our barristers can provide bespoke and specialist training on English law issues both in the UK and overseas. Many of our members speak foreign languages such as Russian, French, Italian.

Littleton Chambers is recommended in Chambers UK and members are recommended in Chambers Global.

For more information about our barristers or our international expertise please contact our Chambers Director, Liz Dux.

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