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Contractual Terms

Littleton Chambers’ barristers offer their services on our standard conditions of contract (latest revision, October 2018).  Our Terms of Business can be found Here.

A privacy notice which applies to all clients, prospective clients or other third-party professional contacts can be found Here

These are the published standard terms of Littleton Chambers’ barristers within the meaning of Rule rC30.9 o(B) of the Code of Conduct in the Bar Standards Board Handbook. Accordingly, save for legal aid and CPS instructions, the ‘cab rank’ rule does not apply in respect of a request to instruct Littleton Chambers barristers on terms other than these standard terms.

These terms only apply to the instruction of Littleton Chambers’ barristers by Authorised Persons (as defined), including solicitors. For queries about the terms applicable in respect of instruction by other persons (including public access instructions), please contact our clerks.


Please note that Littleton’s barristers historically provided their services to solicitors under the “Terms of Work on which Barristers Offer their Services to Solicitors and the Withdrawal of Credit Scheme 1988”.  The Bar Council withdrew those terms and abolished the Withdrawal of Credit Scheme by which the payment of barristers’ fees was enforced, with effect from 31 January 2013. (The Bar’s Code of Conduct was amended to reflect these changes).

If you have any queries regarding the above arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact our clerking team.

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