"They are top of their game and a pleasure to work with."
Legal 500 2022
Arbitration forms an important and rapidly-growing part of Littleton’s Commercial Dispute Resolution practice.
Littleton’s members offer considerable experience and expertise in domestic and international arbitration, with our barristers regularly instructed – both as counsel and as arbitrators – in arbitration proceedings in the UK and internationally. They include several leading practitioners whose ranks have recently swelled by the return of Sir Michael Burton to Littleton, following his retirement from the High Court Bench. Associate tenant Dr Alan M. Anderson recently co-edited ‘The Investor-State Dispute Settlement System: Reform, Replace or Status Quo?’ with Ben Beaumont, which drew global contributions on the topic of ISDS arbitrations. In addition, Littleton can boast many junior members with both domestic and international arbitration experience.
Littleton is therefore particularly well placed to provide barristers and arbitrators for arbitrations and arbitration-related court proceedings.
Our members are familiar with the rules and procedures of all the major arbitral institutions (LCIA, ICC, SIAC, DIAC, KLRCA, CIETAC, ICDR and AAA) and with the UNCITRAL and ICSID arbitral rules. They have experience of arbitral proceedings in all major arbitral jurisdictions, are wholly familiar with the common and civil law, and between them, can conduct arbitral proceedings in English, French, German and Italian.
Our clerking team is accustomed to dealing with the arbitral institutions and providing administrative assistance to tribunals. Importantly, they are experienced in ensuring the confidentiality of arbitral proceedings sought by our clients and can guarantee the necessary separation of resources and clerking assistance.
Please contact the Clerks on 0207 797 8600 or at clerks@littletonchambers.com should you wish to further discuss arbitration at Littleton.
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