Adam Solomon KC, appearing for the Solicitors Regulation Authority Limited, the regulator for solicitors, obtained an order committing Mr Otobo, a former solicitor, to an immediate prison sentence of 18 months. This is one of the few cases in which an order for imprisonment of a solicitor for contempt of Court has been obtained. Mr Otobo was found to have retained and misused documents (which he had been previously ordered by the Court to deliver up and not retain or use) and that he had lied in an affidavit. A copy of the judgment can be found here.
By separate orders, Adam also obtained a Civil Restraint Order against Mr Otobo, and in respect of the contempt, an order that Mr Otobo surrender himself immediately to the Tipstaff.
Adam was instructed by John Tippett-Cooper (Legal Director) and Rebekah Lines (Solicitor) of Capsticks Solicitors.