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Littleton Barristers Successful in Preventing Interim Relief sought by Specialist Quant Fund


Business protections specialists Adam Solomon KC and Charlotte Davies for Verition Advisors (UK Partners) LLP, and Niran de Silva KC for Damien Couture, were successful in the High Court on Friday 28th April  before Michael Ford KC, sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge. Acting for the Defendants, they successfully resisted the application by Jump Trading International Ltd (Claimant) for orders for interim relief.

The High Court accepted the Defendants’ submission that Jump had delayed too long, and Mr Solomon KC’s submission that there was no serious issue to be tried on Jump’s claim for inducing breach of contract against his client.

The claim concerns allegations by Jump that Mr Couture is bound by his restrictive covenants and that Verition induced him to breach them. The Defendants deny the claims. Pursuant to the Judge’s order, the case will now continue, without interim relief, to a speedy trial.

Jump sought permission to appeal the Judge’s decision not to grant interim relief, and Verition sought permission to appeal the order for a speedy trial.

Adam Solomon KC and Charlotte Davies acting for Verition Advisors (UK Partners) LLP (Instructed by Suzanne Horne of Paul Hastings)

Niran de Silva KC acting for Damien Couture (Instructed by Nelu Abeygunaskera of Excello Law)



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